Perfect Small Gifts for Valentine's Day!

February 14th is Valentine's Day.
It is celebrated all over the world as a day to pledge love.

It's a day for a man to send flowers and words of love to the woman he loves.

There seems to be other traditions of giving gifts to family and friends in some countries.

In Japan, it is common for a woman to give chocolates to the man she loves on Valentine's Day. Recently, the concept of Valentine's Day seems to be gradually changing from being about "love" and "chocolates" from women to men to being a day to give a small gift with gratitude to someone close to you.

What to give and to whom to give it varies by country and culture, but the feeling for the recipient is universal.

\Small Gift Suggestions for Valentine's Day/

Seki Mini Scissors

Adorable in size. Remarkably sharp as scissors.

Simply pinch lightly to cut cleanly through thread, cloth, or other thin material with ease.

Seki Mini Scissors


Tombo-dama Sewing Pins ¥1,540

It's always nice to have a few more lovely sewing pins!

Ohajiki Sewing Pins ¥1,540

Ohajiki Sewing Pins to bring a childlike sense

 of wonder and joy to any sewing project.

Ohajiki Sewing Pins 

 Hasami Magnetic Pin Holder ¥1,980

The strong magnet inside the pincushion

holds metal objects securely

both on the inside and the exterior.

Hasami Magnetic Pin Holder